Trees that Watch Us

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Recently Vinay and I trekked in Tholpetty forest with a local guide. Tholpetty forest is part of Waynad, Western Ghats. This forest is adjoining Nagarahole forest and is located in Kerala.
Tholpetty - Waynad
On entering the forest, we struggled to walk without stepping over the dry leaves that were scattered on the forest floor. We had to be as silent as possible so that we do not unduly advertise our presence to other denizens of the forest. This was even more important in this trek as we had seen more than half a dozen lone Tuskers on the previous  evening. 
Lone Tusker
However, this proved more difficult than I had anticipated: every few steps I invariably stepped over a dry teak leaf that crunched loudly under my feet. A troupe of Langurs watched us from their tree top perches and they seemed to wonder what we are up to in their forest.
We came across trees that had notches in their bark, resembling an eye. These notches or “eyes” might have been created when old branches had fallen out from the trunk of the tree. Our guide mentioned that tribal folks salute these trees with reverence; they believe these ‘trees with eyes’ always watch out for them and their forests. The way he looked at these trees with part reverence and part hesitation, convinced us he would have saluted the trees just like a tribal man, if it wasn’t for our presence.
Eye-shaped notch on the bark
As we progressed westwards into the deep jungle, the canopy of the trees grew thicker and the ferns covered the jungle floor. A stream was murmuring somewhere nearby and the air was filled with the chorus of Green Barbets, interjected by the calls of Malabar Grey Hornbills. As we carefully picked our way across a wet and slippery nullah, we came across elephant footprints that looked as though somebody had dug holes that were a foot in depth and a foot in diameter.  Water standing in the these footprints was still muddy indicating the elephant had passed here within the last few hours. There was a single set of these footprints; probably they belonged one of the lone tuskers we had seen in the previous evening.
Just as we were about to continue on our trek, we noticed the pug mark of a tiger, evidently just a few minutes old, as the grass that had bent where the tiger had tread, had not sprung back yet.  In fact, when our guide pointed out, we noticed there were two sets of tiger pug marks, one slightly smaller than the other. This was undoubtedly the queen of the jungle with her cub. It was no longer wise to continue on the same track, as a tigress with her cub tends to be very aggressive. We turned back, thrilled that we got so close to the queen of the jungle and walked where she had just walked; slightly disappointed that we could not meet her;  thankful that these majestic creatures still roam the forests.
Tiger Cub Pugmark
We had retraced a few steps, when I heard a strange clattering sound in close quarters and I stood still, only to hear this sound echoed from other corners of the forest. It was a sound of trepidation and seemed to stand out from the rhythm of the forest. When I looked back, Vinay was pointing at the towering giant of a tree.  I had to scan the tree for some time, before I could see the owner of this sound, who was demurely hiding behind the leafy branches, contrary to the bold calls he had just produced. This Malabar Giant Squirrel high up in the towering tree directly above us, was the one who had given these alarm calls, which was unfailingly reciprocated by his friends far and wide. He was clearly saying "Be Alert, Be Alert" in his language. Was he sounding this alarm for us or for the tigress?
In the forests, when we watch with the eyes of the forest folks and hear with their ears, every sight and sound has an enthralling story to tell.
On our way back, when we met the trees with eyes that watched us, we instinctively saluted them with a silent prayer in our heart... "Please keep the tigress and her cub safe... May this forest remain a forest forever..."

We were not yet out of the forest cover, but the magic of the forest was rudely intercepted by the sprawling plantations lined with electric fencing. Forest trees cut and cleared away to grow tea or coffee... a mixture of chemicals like copper sulfate and different varieties of weedicides used carelessly... all so that we humans can enjoy our beverages... if your question is "so what?", not to mention the irreparable damage to the delicate ecosystem of our Western Ghats, these chemicals are invariably washed down in the Monsoon rains and join our rivers which supply drinking water to us. Are we sacrificing clear and clean drinking water just for drinking coffee and tea? This is just one of the many examples where our actions are affecting the earth.

Coffee plantations lined with electric fence
The planet will survive and evolve as it has done for billions of years, but what about us? Who is more susceptible to global warming and depleting ozone?
Though our traditions are derived from paganism and our ancestors worshiped Nature, today we hardly take note of how our actions affect our planet that has always given us everything we need. It is not just the trees that watch us, it is the planet earth itself watching us now.
We are currently exploring some ideas on how we can help and here I have to mention Sanctuary Asia (a leading magazine on Nature and Conservation in India). Fortunately, there are some people who believe our destiny is intricately linked with our natural heritage and tigers themselves and are working tirelessly in this direction, here is the link to explore:

Orange-headed Thrush learns from Red-whiskered Bulbul

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An early morning in January, Orange-headed Thrush, a new visitor arrived at the water-hole. It seemed hesitant about getting into water.

The Red-Whiskered Bulbul that you can see in the video is a resident and a regular visitor. It arrived on the scene and sipped water. Thrush almost immediately followed suit and took a sip of water.
Once the Bulbul leaves, Thrush goes around exploring the water-hole and it seemed to contemplate whether the water is safe to take a dip. Bulbul drops in again and this time it takes a dip. Though Thrush seemed to have noticed this, it is still puzzled.
Bulbul drops in for the third time and takes an elaborate bath. This time thrush observes the Bulbul’s actions thoroughly. Watch the video to see how these events unfold and what happens next…

Note: Keep your speakers on to hear the sounds and choose HD in video settings for best experience.

Perennial Valentines: Oriental White-eyes

I had the opportunity to observe a pair of Oriental White-eye from quite some time. They love spending quality time with each other: whether it is just sitting side by side sharing warmth, grooming each other or taking a dip in the waterhole.

Generally, Oriental White-eyes are considered sociable birds and seen foraging in small flocks, but this pair seems to believe that two is company and anything more is crowd! They have successfully raised many broods in past two years, however the moment the chicks are old enough to fend for themselves, they are sent away. The pair resumes their wonderful twosome life.

Watch and enjoy some of their moments together!

Note: Keep your speakers on to hear the natural sounds and choose HD in video settings for best experience.

A glimpse of Kaveri Backwaters

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The lush green grass and year around fresh water from Kaveri backwaters provides a good ecosystem for numerous local as well as migratory birds.

This video shot at Kaveri backwaters of Mysore shows some of of the birds that frequent this serene and beautiful place: Little Cormorants, Cattle Egrets, Intermediate Egrets, Large Egrets, Grey Herons, Black-winged stilts, Painted storks, and Spot billed ducks.  (Video best viewed in High resolution)

Fortunately we still have such undisturbed places quite close to the cities, where the only sound we can hear is that of birds and insects. Though a train passes by and a few fishermen are fishing, somehow they seem to merge into the scenary and the birds are unperturbed. This makes me think that maybe we can still find a way to live without causing any disturbance to the wonderful creatures with whom we share this earth.

Note: Keep your speakers on to hear the sounds and choose HD in video settings for best experience.